Ingrid: Bandit Attack

Posted: January 23, 2016 by fyrelass in Ingrid, Survivor Posts
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Nothing much to report. Weather’s been cold, but clear for the most part. The compound is looking alright, for the most part. We’ve managed to expand, somewhat- we have two new houses to live in. They’re a little dilapidated, but we’ve been fixing them up, a bit at a time.

Max and Ellen have become my second-in-command. I’ve been sending Ellen out as head of parties to stores and other places in the area. Long term goal would be to take back the supermarket and turn it into a storage space or a bunkhouse. We’ve been working on clearing everything in there out, bit by bit. All shelves are against one wall, there’s nothing of value left in there, and we’ve started to clean out broken glass, food items that went everywhere during initial looting, and other various stuff that’s everywhere.

Oh! We actually got hit by bandits a week or so ago. It was the middle of the night. Everyone was asleep, except for the two people on watch in the church tower.

All of a sudden, the bell started clanging and we heard people outside the walls shouting. Everyone got to their posts within five minutes, but that gave them enough time to set the southern wall on fire. They managed to get in, but we held them there.

There were five bodies and two prisoners at the end of the night, not to mention the bikes they used. We’ve had them locked up in one of the new houses while we try to decide what to do with them. There’s a lot more to running a compound than I’d expected. I thought it’d just be delegating tasks, but I actually have to do a lot more. People come to me with disputes, I have to settle punishments, prioritize tasks, on top of working, which means that I alternate tasks so no one can complain about having the worst task that no one else has. Life is lovely.

Any ideas as to the fate of the bandits? I could use some help. We didn’t lose anyone to them, but some people are still out for blood. They destroyed our sanctuary walls. They say the bandits must be punished.

We’ll see. At the least, they can stew a little longer over their punishment.

In other news, we’re doing drills now. None of us were ready for an attack. That was a mistake, so now we do random drills at any time of the day or night. They grumble about it for now, but eventually they’ll appreciate it.

Many, many responses!

Crowe: Your place is still held. I hope those sprinting zombies don’t follow you here. We have some bikes for your mechanic friend to take a look at now.

Sloane: Aww! Puppies! I was always more of a cat person myself, to be completely honest, but I still appreciate small, cute, fluffy animals.

Terron: Have you thought any more about that mechanical arm?

Reno: Have fun with farming. We’re about to start that up in spring ourselves, if we can find enough space for it.

Morgan: I hope you’re safe, wherever you are. Be careful with that stupid company.

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